Initially, that saturday was a boring day for me.Things had improved by the evening, and we headed off in the direction of the Christian Kosin University, which was having a Christmas Tree Festival on their campus. when we reached the bus stop where we needed to continue our journey from, the buses were also crammed - imagine a vehicle which has already been reduced to standing room only - with no standing room - and another twenty people getting onto it regardless in apparent defiance of the laws of physics, and that's what you're up against. .

I'm not sure we fared much better. The roads up to Kosin University - which appears to be on top of a mountain. At the University, the lights are spread out over a large area and while some pieces were overtly religious some were not, and one advantage of its mountainous position were backdrops of Busan and ships docked far below in uncertain locations.

In addition to the tree lights, four large screens featuring festive scenes which the public could see themselves in via a camera proved quite a hit, and there were a couple of multimedia displays powered by PCs linked to old CRT monitors placed among some rocks - complete with unprotected extension sockets heading off in some uncertain direction. It had better not rain I thought to myself.

As part of the Christmas Tree Festival, which appears to last from December 6th to January 13th, there are regular events in one of the halls of the campus which differ from day to day.
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